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Bible Concordance: "thousand"

Word "thousand" found in 390 verse(s), 49 chapter(s) and 34 book(s).

What the Bible says about "thousand":

Numbers 31:39
And the asses were thirty thousand and five hundred; of which the LORD's tribute was threescore and one.
Numbers 31:40
And the persons were sixteen thousand; of which the LORD's tribute was thirty and two persons.
Numbers 31:43
(Now the half that pertained unto the congregation was three hundred thousand and thirty thousand and seven thousand and five hundred sheep,
Numbers 31:44
And thirty and six thousand beeves,
Numbers 31:45
And thirty thousand asses and five hundred,
Numbers 31:46
And sixteen thousand persons;)
Numbers 31:52
And all the gold of the offering that they offered up to the LORD, of the captains of thousands, and of the captains of hundreds, was sixteen thousand seven hundred and fifty shekels.
Numbers 35:4
And the suburbs of the cities, which ye shall give unto the Levites, shall reach from the wall of the city and outward a thousand cubits round about.
Numbers 35:5
And ye shall measure from without the city on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand cubits; and the city shall be in the midst: this shall be to them the suburbs of the cities.
Deuteronomy 1:11
(The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as he hath promised you!)
Deuteronomy 7:9
Know therefore that the LORD thy God, he is God, the faithful God, which keepeth covenant and mercy with them that love him and keep his commandments to a thousand generations;
Deuteronomy 32:30
How should one chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight, except their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had shut them up?
Joshua 3:4
Yet there shall be a space between you and it, about two thousand cubits by measure: come not near unto it, that ye may know the way by which ye must go: for ye have not passed this way heretofore.
Joshua 4:13
About forty thousand prepared for war passed over before the LORD unto battle, to the plains of Jericho.
Joshua 7:3
And they returned to Joshua, and said unto him, Let not all the people go up; but let about two or three thousand men go up and smite Ai; and make not all the people to labour thither; for they are but few.
Joshua 7:4
So there went up thither of the people about three thousand men: and they fled before the men of Ai.
Joshua 8:3
So Joshua arose, and all the people of war, to go up against Ai: and Joshua chose out thirty thousand mighty men of valour, and sent them away by night.
Joshua 8:12
And he took about five thousand men, and set them to lie in ambush between Bethel and Ai, on the west side of the city.
Joshua 8:25
And so it was, that all that fell that day, both of men and women, were twelve thousand, even all the men of Ai.
Joshua 23:10
One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the LORD your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.
Judges 1:4
And Judah went up; and the LORD delivered the Canaanites and the Perizzites into their hand: and they slew of them in Bezek ten thousand men.
Judges 3:29
And they slew of Moab at that time about ten thousand men, all lusty, and all men of valour; and there escaped not a man.
Judges 4:6
And she sent and called Barak the son of Abinoam out of Kedeshnaphtali, and said unto him, Hath not the LORD God of Israel commanded, saying, Go and draw toward mount Tabor, and take with thee ten thousand men of the children of Naphtali and of the children of Zebulun?
Judges 4:10
And Barak called Zebulun and Naphtali to Kedesh; and he went up with ten thousand men at his feet: and Deborah went up with him.
Judges 4:14
And Deborah said unto Barak, Up; for this is the day in which the LORD hath delivered Sisera into thine hand: is not the LORD gone out before thee? So Barak went down from mount Tabor, and ten thousand men after him.
Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:22

The words of a talebearer are as wounds, and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly.
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