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Questions and Answers

In 1Chronicles 11:15-19 there is recorded an interesting story about David and Three of his men. The story is simple to understand but I was wanting to know if you think the story serves as a type of anything? If you have any thoughts on this passage I would like to read them.
What does the Bible say about nudity? I know of people who live in nudists camps, and I think it is wrong. To me, nudity should be private, between a husband and wife, not something you share with everyone. Please e-mail me and tell me what the Bible says, am I right or wrong?
How was a covenant sealed in the Old Testament? Between two different tribes or God and Abraham?
Which books in the Bible are called "The Law"? Which are called "The Prophets"?
The people of 1 Chronicles 12:8 with faces of lions. Who are they and did they have faces of lions?