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I need a scripture to refer to in regards to voting for earthly
political leaders. I am Baptist however I've been told by the
Jehovah's Witnesses that the Lord does not want us to vote. The Bible does say that we should listen, respect and pray for our leaders. I just can't recall what scripture I found that law in. Please help.
I've often been told by other religious leaders that before I proceed with my preaching ministry I should first "set" under a pastor or minister. Could you give me some biblical reference to this?
Is it right or wrong to eat pig meat (pork) and what does the Bible say about this?
Is there a place in the Bible that says that you shouldn't argue or that it is shameful to God?
I am having trouble understanding why a woman is not allowed to speak in the church, but she can write a book and it appears to be OK by a lot of Baptist Preachers.