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Questions and Answers

I have been dreaming a lot about being in water, feeling water flowing in my heart. What is happening to me?
I recently met someone who is is a "Oneness Pentecostal". They believe that "Trinitarians" believe in 3 gods. Not only does he believe that his group (tongues and all) are the true church but he believes Baptists aren't saved. Where do they come from? How can I refute some of their claims intelligently?
Should children obey their parents if one or both of them is on drugs or involved in some other grotesque sin? They may be giving wrong instructions. Ephesians 6:1.
What is the interpretation of Acts 1:6?
A man recently told me something interesting that got me to wondering. He said that the New Testament was translated from Aramaic, not only Greek. I had not heard of this. Do you know anything about the New Testament and it's connection with the Aramaic language?