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My question deals with remarriage. I have been married four times. It is my understanding that while I was married to the other three husbands, I was in a state of adultery as my first husband was still living and we had divorced with no scriptural basis. Just being young and stupid mainly. My first husband died a few years ago and at his death I was not married. What I can't seem to get an answer on is this... When the first husband dies, it is like "batter up" and the next husband steps to the plate? Or were the subsequent marriages not even valid in God's eyes because I was still bound to my first husband all along? Would I be free to remarry now?
My wife is Methodist. They take confirmation classes when they are 15,she says this to see if the person is ready to accept Jesus or not, she believes in Jesus she says, but she says she was "confirmed", which she says is the same as being saved. Please explain this kind of belief and if its wrong.