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I have been having this battle with doubting my salvation for four years now.  Most of the time when I talk to someone about it their first conclusion is that I am not really saved.  So I find myself going through the sinners prayer over and over. I know I am a sinner and want to be saved more than anything in the world. I have repented of my sin and asked Jesus to be my savior. The thought that keeps making me doubt is how do I know if I really trusted Him?  Did I really accept him and if I didn’t how can I ever?  Every time I hear a preacher say do you know you are saved beyond a shadow of a doubt I feel somewhat angry because I fear I will never know.  Some nights I can’t sleep because I fear those words “depart from me ye who work iniquity I never knew you”.  I just keep thinking what if God says that to me because I really never accepted.  It’s like I am afraid to believe I am saved because what if I really am not.  Then I am afraid to believe I am not because I have done everything I can to be saved and fear if I am not I never will be.  I know Jesus died for my sins and want him to be my Saviour.  Just this past week I confessed to a preacher I have doubts sometimes and it’s like he attacked me.  Made me feel like If I can’t believe I am saved, then I wasn’t.
I've been reading the Bible and it says in Matthew that Jesus had 4 brothers and it mentions he had sisters, but it doesn't give their names or how many. I was wondering if you knew what happened to his brothers and sisters and what the sister's names were?
Are we supposed to be able to get to a point to where we never sin?
Describe how people were saved in the Old Testament after the law was given?