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Concerning Proverbs chapter 31, who is King Lemuel and his mother?
I have a question/comment about the trinity. Can the trinity be explained as such...a man is a father, a son and a husband, i.e. one person with three distinct roles? Please give simple examples such as this followed by any pertinent scripture. 
 I would like to ask your explanation regarding the "spirit" of man. After a man dies, the flesh goes to the ground, the soul goes to Heaven if the man has accepted Christ as Lord and personal Saviour, or to Hell if he has not, and the spirit, where does it go? In Ecclesiastes, it was mentioned there that the spirit goes to God who created it. Also the "spirit" of man is the one that gives the believer the knowledge of God through the Holy Spirit as Given in 1 Corinthians chapter 2. My first question is this, does the "spirit" of an unbelieving man have knowledge of God. Is it alive (the spirit) while man has not accepted Christ?
Please define and explain the characteristics of the soul and the spirit of man.
Do you know of any passages in the bible which state that God demands righteousness from all people or does the Bible make a distinction between righteousness required by the world at large and that required by God's children?