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Results for Psalms

With Thee

Three things are here said to be with God, which phrase, with God, he again and again chooseth to express the grounds of his hope in God by...

Type: Thoughts and Meditations

Notes on Genesis Chapter One

verse by verse study of Genesis Chapter One

Type: Article

The Sending of John the Baptist

The birth and naming of John the Baptist and the prophecy of Zecharias

Type: Sermon Outlines

The Woman's Role in the Home

There is so much talk in the world about the role of a woman. See what a lady with a heart for God says on the matter.

Type: Article

Joy to the World

Type: Poem

In the Word

Type: Poem

O Bless the Lord!

Type: Poem

The Word Made Flesh

To understand the gospel record of Jesus Christ, we must go back before the beginning of time where the Son of God already dwells. This lesson deals with the very important truth that God’s Son did not begin at the time of His birth in a manger. He existed in eternity past and was the Creator of all things.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Introduction to Leviticus

The Levitical sacrificial system had five separate and distinct offerings that could be made to the Lord.

Type: Sermon Outlines

The Two Babylons

There are two different responses to the destruction of Babylon. Which side will you be on?

Type: Sermon Outlines
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 9:5

Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mingled.