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Results for Psalms

The Interpretation of Prophecy

Some say that prophecy is too hard to understand. Everyone interprets the Bible differently and there is no correct way to interpret prophecy. This is not true. As in everything else, God gives us the guidance to understand the prophecy that He wrote.

Type: University Outlines

The Importance of Prophecy

Studies in Bible Prophecy Outline #1

Type: University Outlines

The Holy Scriptures

Type: Book page

The One God of the Bible

Type: Book page

Step By Step Away From God

Every step that man takes away from God, God takes a step away from him. America is walking away, we no longer can say "one nation under God" and the ten commandments cannot even be posted. So where do we go from here?

Type: Sermon Outlines

The Lord Chooses Saul

In this lesson, the people of Israel are granted their request for a king. This lesson tells of Saul’s call, anointing and presentation to the people.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

The Call of Samuel

After the record of the miraculous birth of Samuel in chapter one and the praiseful prayer of Hannah in chapter two (1 Samuel 2:1-10), we are introduced to the spiritual famine of this time – which is still the time of the judges.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

The Acceptance of the Offering

It is not enough that the offering is brought; it must be acceptable to God. God must receive it.

Type: Sermon Outlines

Recovery from Judgment

We drift away from the Lord. We turn from Him and His ways in rebellion. This brings on His chastening hand. We feel that there is no way back. But God gives a way. Come home. Come back to your Saviour and God.

Type: Sermon Outlines

Saints Compared to Pilgrims

As saints of God we should have some things in common with a pilgrim. How are you like a pilgrim?

Type: Article
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 17:8

A gift is as a precious stone in the eyes of him that hath it: whithersoever it turneth, it prospereth.