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Follow After Righteousness (Daily Portion 10126)

Some of the key words in this chapter are hearken, awake, comfort and righteousness. God wants Israel to hear and awake because His righteousness is near, the time of wrath will pass, and He will comfort His people.

Type: Devotional

The End of the Wicked (Daily Portion 10125)

The psalmist has been envious of the prosperity of the wicked (Psalm 73:3). In this passage, he entered the sanctuary and God revealed the end of the wicked. The psalmist realized his own foolishness, repented of his sin, and put his trust fully in the Lord.

Type: Devotional

Orders of the Priesthood (Daily Portion 10124)

David organized the priests into twenty-four orders or courses so that they could take turns doing the office of the priest. He also divided the Levites who were not of the priestly line of Aaron into orders.

Type: Devotional

Offering the Firstfruits and Giving the Tithe (Daily Portion 10123)

The Israelites are instructed to offer the firstfruits of the land of Israel to the Lord and to give the tithe of the third year for the needy. This chapter closes by affirming the special relationship Israel has with God as His peculiar and holy people.

Type: Devotional

The Fall of Man (Daily Portion 10122)

This chapter tells of the temptation of Eve by the serpent, the sin of Adam and Eve in eating the forbidden fruit, their shame and separation from God, and God

Type: Devotional

Shipwreck on the Way to Rome (Daily Portion 10121)

In this passage, Paul is being transported as a prisoner from Caesarea to Rome. However, the ship on which he is sailing meets with trouble on the way.

Type: Devotional

Red Horses Among the Myrtle Trees (Daily Portion 10120)

Zechariah prophesied at the same time as Haggai. He spoke to the Israelites who had returned to Jerusalem from Babylon. The message of this book is one of encouragement. It looks forward to the restoration of Israel and the coming of the Messiah. The visions recorded in Zechariah are often thought to be difficult to understand. Do not worry over understanding everything about them at once. Enjoy learning what God has in them. This passage introduces you to the first of Zechariah

Type: Devotional

The Sufferings of Jesus Christ (Daily Portion 10119)

The Lord speaks of His divorcement of Israel and of the suffering and submission of the Messiah. He closes this chapter with a comparison of those who fear the Lord with those who kindle their own fire.

Type: Devotional

Why Do the Wicked Prosper? (Daily Portion 10118)

The psalmist envies the wicked because they seem to live blessed lives while the godly are continually plagued with troubles.

Type: Devotional

Service in the House of the Lord (Daily Portion 10117)

As he continued to prepare for Solomon

Type: Devotional
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 26:18

As a mad man who casteth firebrands, arrows, and death,