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Results for John

The Beginning of the Temple

The Jews have left the only stability they have known and have made the long and hard trip to Israel. But their work has only begun. Now they must rebuild. They begin in the right place restoring the ancient altar and begin work on the foundation of the temple. But opposition comes quickly. First, in the form of compromisers who want to join them for the purpose of defeating their purpose and zeal. Second, in the form of hired counselors who work to “frustrate their purpose.” For now, the adversaries win and the Jews cease work on the temple. The opposition has been too much for them. The temple lies abandoned.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Writing on the Wall

The story in this chapter shows us that God will judge sin and He will defend His honor. We know that God often delays to judge man for sin (Ecclesiastes 8:11). However, this should never be taken as weakness or lack of conviction. God delays punishment in order to give men a longer time in which to repent. The goodness of His forbearance should lead to repentance (Romans 2:4).

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Non Existent Revisions in the King James Bible

As the Laodicean church age draws to a close, and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ draweth nigh, the predicted departure from the truth of God is occurring at an ever increasing pace.

Type: Article

The Sufferings of Christ

This chapter is one of the greatest chapters on Christ in the Bible. Of this chapter, the Baptist preacher J. Frank Norris said: “The greatest chapter, the highest mountain peak of the whole Bible. This chapter should be memorized by all.”

Type: Sunday School Outlines

The Vision of Isaiah

Through the cleansing of the Lord, Isaiah is made ready to accept the call to go tell the people of Israel the message of God. As you study this lesson, carefully consider what the Lord has to teach you.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Be Not Faithless, But Believing

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Central message of Acts (2:22-24; 3:15; 4:10; 5:30; 10:38-40; 13:28-30; 17:31) Key to personal salvation (Romans 10:9; 1Corinthians 15:14-17)

Type: Sermon Outlines

Christ a Physician

We read, Job 13:4, of “physicians of no value:” such indeed are all to whom application for remedy is made, besides this heavenly Physician, who never fails to cure such as receive his prescriptions. In what respects Christ is termed a Physician, is to be seen in the following parallel.k

Type: Article

Israel - A Land of Blessing

Deuteronomy 8:8 names seven products that come as blessings in Israel. This article brings out the typology of the wheat, barley, vines, figs, pomegranates, olive oil, and honey.

Type: Article

Christ the True Manna

Christ, and the graces of Christ, are called Manna. Manna means to prepare, because it was food prepared from heaven for the Israelites in the wilderness.

Type: Article

Time and Eternity

One of our most precious commodities is time. We struggle with the proper use of time. This psalm begins with the eternity of God, powerfully expresses the brevity of man’s years, and closes with help on how to number our days.

Type: Sunday School Outlines
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 1:23

Turn you at my reproof: behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you.