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Results for John

The God Who Provides

This chapter has four examples of God using His prophet Elisha to provide for the needs of His people. They are illustrations for us to show us the wonderful supply that God gives to those who are His own.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Fruit Unto Death or Death Unto Fruit

As Christians we have a positive view of fruit, but is fruit always good? Everybody in the world is bringing forth some kind of fruit, but some fruit leads to death. Before you "go and bring forth fruit", pray that the Lord will give you wisdom on how and what kind of fruit to bring forth.

Type: Article

Ahaziah and His Sickness

Ahaziah gives us a powerful type of the sinful condition of man’s wrong ways to seek deliverance from the sickness unto death. There is a good salvation message in this lesson.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Four Arguments Against Euthanasia or Mercy Killing

Euthanasia literally means good death. It is also called mercy killing. In the Netherlands where euthanasia has been practiced for years, it is called deliverance. It is advocated by Dr. Kevorkian (Dr. Death) and the Hemlock Society. Recently Oregon passed the first measure in the history of the U.S. to legalize euthanasia (although it has had trouble in the courts). The Bible clearly teaches against the practice of euthanasia.

Type: Article

The Wealth and Fame of Solomon

Solomon received great wealth, not by war, but by his wise and understanding heart given to him by God. This wisdom led queen of Sheba (located in Saudi Arabia) and others to give Solomon much riches.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Lessons in Wisdom

This chapter has many lists of thing that make us think. Many of these lists have practical or spiritual applications. Keep your spiritual eyes open for these applications.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Question of the Will

F. B. Meyer, the British Baptist whose books have blessed multitudes, gave full credit and glory to God, yet he did not neglect the human side...

Type: Thoughts and Meditations

The Coming of the Great King (Daily Portion 10505)

Much of the book of Zechariah looks forward to the restoration of Israel and the coming of the great King. This last chapter is no exception. The Lord Himself will come down and fight for Jerusalem. His feet shall stand on the Mount of Olives. The mount will split in half making a valley through its midst and through that valley will flow rivers of living waters. Then shall the Lord be king over all the earth. What a beautiful description of the second coming of Christ and the setting up of His kingdom on earth! All His saints should look forward with joy to His return.

Type: Devotional

Solomon's Instruction in Wisdom

An introduction to the Book of Proverbs. An invitation to hear wisdom is given herein.

Type: Sunday School Outlines
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 13:24

He that spareth his rod hateth his son: but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.