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Results for Romans

The Holy Spirit The Saints Guide

We read in the scriptures that the Holy Spirit is to guide us into all truth, but what are some of the implications of the Holy Spirit being a guide?

Type: Article

God Compared to a Potter

God sent Jeremiah down to the potter's house to show him some things. It should not surprise us that God is like the potter in many ways. This article shows the similarities and distinctions between the two.

Type: Article

Christ a Bridegroom

A Bridegroom presupposes two things. First, a person in a single capacity; and as so considered, he is a suitor. Secondly, a person in a married estate; and as so considered, he is a head or husband. In both these respects Christ may be considered, and is held forth in the word of God.

Type: Article

Death - The Gate of Life

We always want goodness and life. However, if this is all we get, we miss out on the miraculous blessings of death.

Type: Sermon Outlines

Christ a Branch

In the scriptures, Jesus Christ is called the Branch. We are to understand His human nature as intended. As such, concerning the flesh, he proceeded from Abraham, Jesse and David.

Type: Article

Christ A Priest

One of the greatest blessings of being saved is having Jesus Christ as your High Priest. No longer must you go to a man to confess your sins and ask forgiveness, but you can approach the throne of grace with boldness through the shed blood of our High Priest.

Type: Article

The Bringing of the Burnt Offering

Although the burnt offering is a picture of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, it is also a picture of the believer who gives himself unto the Lord. In this message, we will look at this second way of understanding the meaning of the burnt offering. We are to give ourselves entirely and without reserve to God.

Type: Sermon Outlines

The Jewish Laodicean Age

When God’s people get away from the Lord, they begin to give Him the leftovers. Their service to God becomes a weariness to them.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

The Day of the Lord's Coming

These chapters look prophetically to the day of the Lord. This will be a day when God will come in wrath and will judge the wicked. However, all is not lost. Those who fear the Lord will be remembered and will be spared. To them, the Sun of righteousness will rise will healing and will care for them as calves that are brought up in the stall. In closing, they are told to look backward to the law of Moses and forward to the coming of Elijah as the herald of the day of the Lord and the Messianic Kingdom to follow.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Be Still My Soul

Bible Unmolested – During the American Civil War, one of the Baptist church buildings in northeast Tennessee, Mossy Creek, was “irreparably damaged. Troops were quartered near this church at different times during the war. A soldier in the Eleventh New Hampshire Regiment, who was at Mossy Creek during February, 1864, recorded the treatment that had been given the church’s facilities by the invading armies.

Type: Sermon Outlines
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 4:18

But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.