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Results for Philippians

The Book of Romans - Lesson 5 - All Under Sin

A verse by verse outline on Romans 3:1-31. Romans 3 sums up what the first two chapters have declared. Chapter one said the gentiles were sinners, then chapter two adds the Jews to the list of sinners. Chapter three then declares that "All have sinned".

Type: Sunday School Outlines

A Servant's Heart - Humility

You may have heard of the Four-H Club for young people run by the U. S. Department of Agriculture. But I want to bring your attention to the Four-H Principle of Christian Service.

Type: Article

To Walk in Wisdom

Believers have a responsibility to walk according to wisdom.

Type: Sermon Outlines

The Sufferings of Christ

Is there more to the suffering of Christ than we normally think?

Type: Sermon Outlines
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 2:16

To deliver thee from the strange woman, even from the stranger which flattereth with her words;