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Results for Philippians

Benefits of Justification by Faith (Daily Portion 10415)

This chapter continues to deal with the fact and experience of justification by faith. However, it also begins to describe some of the results or benefits of salvation. Now that a person is justified by faith, what does this do for him?

Type: Devotional

The Glory of Jerusalem (Daily Portion 10413)

This chapter describes the glory that will one day come to God’s chosen city of Jerusalem. In much of the chapter, God is speaking directly to the city. Notice also how the earthly city is a picture and type of the heavenly Jerusalem that comes down in the book of Revelation (chapters 21 & 22).

Type: Devotional

Work - Blessing or Curse

The work place has changed beyond all recognition since the Bible was written, so the question is, “Is it still relevant today for the modern worker?” I believe the answer is clearly yes, and God willing as we look at the scriptures you will see why.

Type: Article

God’s Final Rejection of Saul

In this chapter, Saul illustrates the sin of willful rebellion and God’s reaction to this sin. Saul’s rebellion leads to God’s rejection of him as king of Israel.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

Christ - A Lamb

How, and in what respects Christ may be called a Lamb?

Type: Article

Christ - A King

There is no higher name or title to set forth dignity amongst men, than kings or mighty potentates.

Type: Article

Nothing Shall Offend Them

What is the meaning of Psalm 119:165. What does it mean that those who love the love of God shall not be offended? Are hurt feelings proof that someone does not love God's word? Let's look at the scripture and study it for a bit.

Type: Article

Bibliology - The Identity of God's Word

College Notes of David Reagan as taught in Scripture Baptist College. These notes cover the doctrine of the Bible.

Type: University Outlines

The Book of Romans - Lesson 10 - Our Death to Sin

Our death to sin is twofold. We are to be dead to sin but alive unto God. This lesson gives God's way to live a victorious life in the power of God.

Type: Sunday School Outlines

The Book of Romans - Lesson 7 - Justification Through Jesus Christ

A verse by verse outline of Romans 5:1-11. The first three chapters declared all under sin. Chapter 4 presented the fact that justification is by faith so along comes chapter 5 that tells you the person that brings justification.

Type: Sunday School Outlines
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 2:2

So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding;