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Sermon Outlines

Results for Sermon Outlines

When the Strong Become Weak

Put yourself under the hearing of God’s word and allow Him to build your faith in what He has done.

Type: Sermon Outlines

Paul’s Prayer for the Ephesians

Many of our prayers are carnal and selfish. Paul’s prayers held some spiritual meat and were directed towards spiritual blessings for other believers. Perhaps we would do well to return to spiritual prayer.

Type: Sermon Outlines

When God is as an Enemy

Though we are saved from the fullness of God’s wrath, we still have experiences in this life that seem as though the Lord Himself has turned on us.

Type: Sermon Outlines

The Revelation of the One Body

Paul was thrilled to be in the ministry and be able to share the good news to those who did not know Christ. Shouldn’t we be the same?

Type: Sermon Outlines

Are You Losing Your Mind

The Lord asked you to love Him with your mind and it will be impossible to do so if your mind wanders and is doubtful.

Type: Sermon Outlines

Five Sins of the Ministry

Are you serving the Lord? If so, check your motive. Make sure your desire is to please the Lord and not men.

Type: Sermon Outlines

Building to Last

In Ezekiel 13, the Lord begins to deal with the building of a wall. Whether this is a literal wall or an application to the wickedness of the prophets, there is much here for the believer to learn.

Type: Sermon Outlines

The Greatness of Our God

The distance between man and God is great. This is partly based on the greatness of God, but the distance is magnified even more by the lowliness of man.

Type: Sermon Outlines

It Was Written

Sometimes the Christian life can be discouraging because of the things that surround us. We see the wicked prospering on every hand and at the same time we see the righteous as they suffer.

Type: Sermon Outlines

Be Therewith Content

Contentment is a precious gift and one that the scriptures say must be learned. It is not merely satisfaction, but it is a joyous peace that what we have is exactly what we are supposed to have and that nothing else could top it.

Type: Sermon Outlines
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 18:22

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.
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