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Questions & Answers

Results for Questions & Answers

Marriage of Daughters

Do fathers have the ultimate decision in their daughters marriage? Are there limits to the control that a parent would have over their children as they become adults?

Type: Question and Answer

Making Deals with God

Will God always honor our deals that we make with Him? Statements such as God strike me down if I'm telling a lie, are popular but does God hold us to these foolish requests?

Type: Question and Answer

Jewish Burial

I understand Jewish custom dictates that the body is to be buried with earth to speed the return of the soul to nature or to God. If this is true, why was Christ, a Jew, placed in a rock tomb and not buried in the earth? Please explain the purpose of the Jewish custom too.

Type: Question and Answer

Verses on Sleep

I am having trouble sleeping. Where is the verse that helps you sleep?

Type: Question and Answer

Have a Little Talk with Jesus

I was humming this song to myself today when all of the sudden I realized I had no idea what a prayer wheel is. Could you shed some light on this?

Type: Question and Answer

Greek Mythology

Greek mythology deals with the stories of their gods. Certainly, there is a fascinating aspect to the stories surrounding the Greek gods. There is probably nothing wrong with an elementary knowledge of some of these stories. However, there is a great danger as well.

Type: Question and Answer

Graham Phillips and the Identity of Jesus

According to Graham Phillips, Jesus is the son of Antipater (the son of Herod) and his wife Mary. He says that he derived this from a close reading of the gospel. Could this be accurate when compared to the scriptures?

Type: Question and Answer


What scripture and other information can be used to expose the Satanic teachings of freemasonry?

Type: Question and Answer

Financial Help

If you are struggling to make ends meet financially how should you approach God to ask for His help?

Type: Question and Answer

Fiery Stones

What are the "fiery stones" mentioned in Ezekiel 28:14?

Type: Question and Answer
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 20:17

Bread of deceit is sweet to a man; but afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.
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