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Questions & Answers

Results for Questions & Answers

Can Men Command Angels?

We know that angels are ministering spirits but does man have the authority to command angels?

Type: Question and Answer

Angels and Sin

Do angels have a free will or a sin nature? Is there a plan of redemption for those angels who have fallen? Is there a time in the future when God will seal the angels in righteousness so that they cannot sin?

Type: Question and Answer


Do we have angels watching over us?

Type: Question and Answer

Adaption - Example of Evolution or Not?

Our jaws are getting smaller, more people are having their wisdom teeth removed due to pain and complications, and some people are born without wisdom teeth. Does it say anything in the Bible about de-evolution or adaption?

Type: Question and Answer

Does Religion Deny Evolution?

I'm a biology student and I had a question. Does religion deny evolution? If evolution is true why are we the only creatures to have souls?

Type: Question and Answer

The Human Eye

I have been reading a book written in the 17th century which claims that animals do not have the eye muscle that is required to look up. However, man has a special muscle for looking up. Is this true about the muscles in the eye?

Type: Question and Answer

The Apocrypha

What is the apocrypha and why was is contained in the 1611 King James Bible? Is the Apochrypha considered part of the Holy Bible?

Type: Devotional
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 27:9

Ointment and perfume rejoice the heart: so doth the sweetness of a man's friend by hearty counsel.
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