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I became a believer because of the fear of failure. I had failed in certain important exams throughout life.  I am now an intern lay pastor working.  I need to write exams to be promoted at the office.  I realize that I wont have time to concentrate on my studies because I am now in charge of a Church.  I sincerely need your advice on what to do?
Do you have any studies on drug use that is illegal? So many teens are using drugs, some say they are herbs and that it is alright. I think this is more than one question, but I have tried to find something to help them understand it is wrong. Thanks
In Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary, there is no meaning of the word culture as it can be used at times today. The 1828 meaning basically defines it as any labor for improvement or growth. When did this word change its meaning? The reason I was thinking about this is because some people who call themselves Christian refer to the Bible's "culture" at the time. Someone has told me that in the culture at the time of the Bible women couldn't be a pastor. I have heard others refer to a  "Southern" culture or a "Northern" culture. In these times when diversity and tolerance is stressed in and outside of the "church", this word is used (or misused) frequently. Another phrase used is "culturally relevant". It may be culturally relevant at one time but not another. Of course it is comforting to know that the Bible transcends all so-called "cultures"!
Do you feel that because the Bible teaching that women are to be silent in church and it also states that women are to ask questions of their husbands that it means that women should not be a part of the Church business meetings and that they should not have a vote?
Could you please explain 1 Corinthians 14:34 to me please? "Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law."