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Please explain how to tell a boss that claims to be a Christian but is not treating you fairly for years that you have a lot more to give his company. I already run a lot of the jobs and take extra pride in the work. My fellow workers also like me. He just keeps giving me bad jobs now and my fellow workers have even approached me about it. They are good people and care about me. My Boss says he's a Christian but his actions don't show it.
Regarding James 4:5, I cannot find it located in any previous scriptures. I looked it up in a concordance, and it is not located in the Old Testament. Am I totally misunderstanding what this says?
I have a question that you may be able to answer.  The JW's say that the word "hell" in the Bible does not always refer to the lake of fire but sometimes the abode of the dead or the grave.  I have heard others say that when the terms sheol, Hades, etc are translated "hell" that the King James Translators understood that it was a reference to the lake of fire. Which is true?
Recently, I have been discussing man being made in the image of God. Some say that God's essence is spirit and, therefore, that image is mind, will, and emotions (or similar variations) and cannot include anything physical like a body.Some put forth that the image is spirit, soul, and body. But even most of those admit that the body is looking forward to Jesus as God in the flesh. My question for you is, why couldn't the Word have had a spiritual/physical body before the incarnation and, thus, man being made in God's image would be body, soul, and spirit?
Person 'A' is a child/rapist/killer. Person 'B' is very kind and never intentionally hurt anyone. They both die without accepting Jesus as Saviour. Will there be any difference with regards to the degree of punishment they will receive after death?