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Questions and Answers

Can a preacher direct non-believers to pray a prayer or follow his prayer of repentance and this lead to their salvation?
What is your opinion on the confession mentioned in Romans 10:8-10? I have heard many preachers say that a person is not saved until he or she makes a public confession of salvation based on this scripture.
The term, elder, has a wider range than the term, bishop. Elder may refer to Old or New Testament offices. It may also refer to men of age, experience, and/or wisdom. Bishop refers to a specific New Testament office.
If a Christian finds himself doubting his beliefs and maybe for a while stops believing, is there any way for him to be saved and forgiven? Is it possible for such a person to regain his salvation, or can a period of disbelief never be forgiven by God?
When non-christians ask us how we know that what we believe in is the truth, and how do we prove it, how do we answer that question?