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Results for Psalms

Blessings For Obedience (Daily Portion 10206)

This chapter tells of the blessings and cursings that God will pour out on the children of Israel: blessings if they obey His commandments; cursings if they do not. This lesson gives all the blessings but only some of the cursings.

Type: Devotional

Return to the Holy Land (Daily Portion 10203)

In this vision, Zechariah sees a man measuring the breadth and length of Jerusalem. Though Zion has been scattered, the people are to return to the holy land where God will dwell in the midst of them. He shall choose Jerusalem again.

Type: Devotional

Redeemed Without Money (Daily Portion 10202)

This chapter looks forward to the time of the restoration of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. They are to be

Type: Devotional

The King of Old (Daily Portion 10201)

This psalm has three sections. First (v.1-11), the psalmist describes the destruction of the temple and cries for God

Type: Devotional

Musicians in the Temple (Daily Portion 10131)

David takes the sons of three of his musicians and establishes twenty-four orders of musicians for the service of the temple. They will match the twenty-four courses of priests who do the service of the temple.

Type: Devotional

The End of the Wicked (Daily Portion 10125)

The psalmist has been envious of the prosperity of the wicked (Psalm 73:3). In this passage, he entered the sanctuary and God revealed the end of the wicked. The psalmist realized his own foolishness, repented of his sin, and put his trust fully in the Lord.

Type: Devotional

Why Do the Wicked Prosper? (Daily Portion 10118)

The psalmist envies the wicked because they seem to live blessed lives while the godly are continually plagued with troubles.

Type: Devotional

Service in the House of the Lord (Daily Portion 10117)

As he continued to prepare for Solomon

Type: Devotional

David Says His Final Prayer For Solomon (Daily Portion 10111)

In this psalm, David blesses his son Solomon and says a final prayer for him. But much of what he says also points to Jesus Christ, making this a Messianic Psalm as well.

Type: Devotional

Getting Israel to Listen (Daily Portion 10105)

In this chapter, the Lord cries out to a proud and stubborn Israel to hear Him

Type: Devotional
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Daily Proverb

Proverbs 2:6

For the LORD giveth wisdom: out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.