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Are we sure that the modern translation of the Greek of the word "perfect", in Matthew 5:48 --as "complete" is fully correct or even correct at all?
We were watching a DVD on the Welsh Revival of 1904.  We did not finish it because the revival seemed to be based on a second blessing of the Holy Ghost.  Why would the Lord bless an event based on false teaching or are we missing something?  Also, John R. Rice wrote about Moody, R. A. Torrey, and even Spurgeon asking for more of the Holy Spirit to fill them, as in a second blessing. The Lord used them also to save souls. What are your thoughts on this?
I need a scripture to refer to in regards to voting for earthly
political leaders. I am Baptist however I've been told by the
Jehovah's Witnesses that the Lord does not want us to vote. The Bible does say that we should listen, respect and pray for our leaders. I just can't recall what scripture I found that law in. Please help.
If a Christian commits a sin and dies before he repents where does he go?
Are the old man and the flesh one and the same? We read the old man has been crucified with Christ, and that we are to mortify the flesh. I'm confused.