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The Bible states that a Deacon shall be the husband of one wife. We have a situation of a man, having married a divorced woman, whom our pastor wants to have him be made a deacon. This is his first marriage, her second.
What is a tithe? Whom do we tithe to? Is it right to pay tithe to a Pastor or any minister of the church? The 10% of the income, is it gross or net?
Could you please define and explain the differences between the Primitive Baptist Church and the Separatist Baptists?
I was just looking at your website and I don't understand why Christians can write such hateful speech about other Christians who might disagree or struggle to believe their point of view. As a Christian, I would never even think about describing my fellow Christians in such a way. How can I trust a fellow Christian who would speak of other saved individuals like that?
Is shouting Biblical to do in the house of God or is it necessary?